Attention RETIRED Bricklayers Local 1 of Missouri members with an Aetna Medicare Advantage plan:

Attention RETIRED Bricklayers Local 1 of Missouri members with an Aetna Medicare Advantage plan:

You will be receiving a letter from Aetna if you haven’t already received it including the following updates positively impacting your coverage.

• We’ve waived member out-of-pockets costs or cost sharing for COVID-19
diagnostic testing and introduced zero co-pay telemedicine visits for the next 90 days,
helping to remove barriers to care.

• We’ve waived charges for home delivery of all prescription medications from CVS
Pharmacy. We’re also actively encouraging 90-day refills of eligible prescriptions and
waiving early refill limits on 30-day prescriptions for maintenance medications to prevent
the interruption of medication availability.

• We’ve introduced Healing Better care packages for members diagnosed with COVID-19, supporting our members and helping to keep others in the home protected from
potential exposure.

• We’re offering resources to help address any associated anxiety and stress related
to COVID-19, including opening Crisis Response Lines and expanding access 24x7 to
the Aetna Nurse Medical Line, among others.

You can find more information on COVID-19 at these links: