Updates to Address Change & Member Information Policies

Please note the following process change for ALL address changes going forward (including ALL active and retired members, as well as all former members who collect a pension benefit):

All address changes must be submitted via provided form
available at the Union Hall or Pension & Welfare Fund Office
This form must be signed either at the Union Hall with proper ID and proof of new address to verify your identity, in the Presence of a Business Agent or Union Officer--if you’ve arranged to meet one on a jobsite, or it may be signed in the presence of a Notary.

**Address changes will NOT be accepted by phone.**

Also, please note that all members must provide a current, active cellphone number and/or email address where we can reach you urgently, if necessary. It is strongly encouraged that all members sign up for our texting program and the BAC Member Portal/BAC Mobile to monitor the status of your dues and benefits. There will be updates to those systems shortly that will allow for text/email updates to members when there are hours reported, dues delinquencies, and also security alerts.

These steps are for your protection and the security of your benefits and personal information to make sure that *you* are the only one making any changes to your data.

If you have any questions, you can call us at the Hall.

You can use this form if you do not wish to wait for us to mail you one:  PDF icon bacadcstl2018changeofaddress.pdf